Local Farms. Local People. Local Values.

The CACHILL HEAVEN Site available at the URL: https://cachillheaven.com/ (the “Website“) allows Users to purchase cannabidiol-based products (“CBD“), Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Psychedelic and various accessories (the “Products“).

We are aware that the Processing of your Personal Data implies great trust on your part, especially in view of the nature of our Products. We take this trust very seriously and make it our priority to ensure the utmost confidentiality and security of your Personal Data.

We have designed the Website with the protection of your Personal Data in mind. Please review this Privacy Notice (the “Notice“), as well as the Terms and Conditions of Sale (the “Terms of Sale“) and the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Site (the “Terms of Use“), which fully apply to your use of the Site.

Words defined in the Terms of Sale are incorporated into this Privacy Notice by reference, and vice versa. When you use the Website, you agree to comply with the Terms of Sale and consent to our data protection practices discussed below:


Consent means the manifestation of intent, freely, specifically, informed and unequivocally by which a Data Subject gives his or her agrees for his or her Personal Data to be Processed.

Controller means the person who decides on the purpose and content of the Personal Data and the Document and who is responsible for the Processing, in this case CACHILL HEAVEN.

Cookie(s) refers to a set of data, usually small in size and identified by name, that may be transmitted to your browser through by a web site you connect to when browsing on a website.

Data File means any set of Personal Data whose structure allows the data to be searched by Data Subject.

Data Subject means the natural or legal person about whom data are Processed. In the context of this Notice, it refers in particular to the User.

Personal Data means any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual. This includes, but is not limited to, Personal Data and/or Sensitive User Data provided when creating a User Account, when browsing the Website or when the User fills out a Questionnaire. 

Processing (or to “Process”) refers to any operation relating to Personal Data – regardless of the means and processes used – including the collection, conservation, use, modification, modification, backup, use, communication, archiving, storage or destruction of data. Please note that the verb “process” refers to any of the above operations and is used in this Notice in a generic manner.

Sensitive Data means Personal Data on:

  1. religious, philosophical, political or trade union opinions or activities,
  2. health, intimacy or race,
  3. social assistance measures,
  4. criminal and administrative proceedings or sanctions.

Transmission means the fact of making Personal Data accessible, for example by authorizing their consultation, by transmitting them or by diffusing them through the Website.

Third Party means any individual or legal entity that is not the Company or the User whose Personal Data is Processed in accordance with this Notice.

Express reference is made to the Terms of Use for definitions not contained in this Notice. Definitions contained in the Terms of Use are incorporated by reference into this Notice.


CACHILL HEAVEN is the Controller of Personal of the Users of the Website.


The purpose of the Notice is to specify the procedures applicable to the Processing of your Personal Data. The Notice will apply to any use of the Website, regardless of the manner or means used. It details the conditions under which, when you use the Website, the Controller may Process your Personal Data.


When Processing Personal Data, the Company undertakes to comply with the following general principles:

4.1. Fairness and lawfulness

When Processing Personal Data, the individual rights of the Data Subjects will be protected by the Company. Personal Data must be collected and Processed lawfully, in a fair manner, in good faith and must be proportionate to the objective.

4.2. Restriction to a specific purpose

Personal Data handled by the Company shall be Processed adequately and in a manner which is limited to the purpose for which they are Processed. This requires, in particular, ensuring that the types of Personal Data collected are not excessive to the purpose for which they are collected. Subsequent changes to the purpose are only possible to a limited extent and require substantiation.

4.3. Transparency

The Data Subject must be informed of how his/her Personal Data is being handled by the Company. When the Personal Data is collected, the Data Subject must be informed of:

  • the existence of the present Notice;
  • the identity of the Controller;
  • the purpose of Processing the Personal Data;
  • how, where and by whom the Personal Data is being Processed;
  • Third-parties to whom the Personal Data might be transmitted.

4.4. Consent of the Data Subject

Personal Data must be collected directly from the Data Subject concerned and the Consent of the Data Subject may be required before the Processing of Personal Data. The Consent must be obtained in writing or electronically for the purposes of documentation. The Consent is valid only if given voluntarily. If, for any reason, the Consent of the Data Subject is not given before the Processing of Personal Data, the Company should be informed in writing as soon as possible after the beginning of the Processing.

Personal Data will only be Processed without Consent if it is necessary to assert a legitimate interest of the Company, for the execution of the contract between the User and the Company or if a national or international law or regulation requests, requires or permits it.

4.5. Accuracy

Personal Data kept on file must be correct and if necessary, it must be kept up to date. Inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data should not be kept on file and deleted.


You expressly Consent that your Personal Data and Sensitive Data (relating to your state of health) will be collected and Processed by the Company in its capacity as Controller. 

By using the Website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Notice and agree that your Personal Data and Sensitive Data are collected and Processed by the Company in accordance with this Notice and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. 

Your Consent for the Processing of your Personal Data is given on the grounds of this Notice.


The Company reserves the right to make changes to this Notice at any time.

In the event of any modification, you will be notified by e-mail or by notification (pop-up message) and your Consent with the changes in question will be required. If you do not agree with these changes, you may no longer access the Website and/or request the Company to delete your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data. In this case, we ensure the portability of your Personal Data.   


7.1 Creation of a User Account 

As a User, you must create a User Account in order to use the Website’s features and purchase Products. The creation of a User Account requires the provision of the following Personal Data:

  • your identity (last name(s), first name(s)) ; 
  • your address;
  • your e-mail address;
  • your password; and
  • your phone number. (the “Registration Data”).

By using the Website, you Consent to us Processing your Registration Data in order to create a User Account on the Website and allow you to benefit from its features and Products. Registration Data also allows the Company to contact you in connection with your use of the Website.

7.2. Request of a Questionnaire

As a User, the Company may submit a Questionnaire to you describing your use of CBD, your medical situation, if any, and/or your opinion on the Company’s Products in order to target those that best suit you (the “Questionnaire Data”).

By using the Website and completing the Questionnaire, you Consent that the Company’s Processing of the Questionnaire Data contained therein and thereby authorize the Company to use the Questionnaire Data to provide you with the Products requested by you.  

7.3. Subscription of the Newsletter

As a User, you can subscribe to our Newsletter by providing the following Personal Data:

  • your preferred language for sending the Newsletter; and
  • your email address.

(the “Newsletter Data”)

By ticking the box “I subscribe to the Newsletter“, you expressly agree that the Company may use your Newsletter Data to send you by e-mail its Newsletter, as well as any other information relating to the Website.

If you decide to no longer receive our Newsletter, you can unsubscribe at any time by sending an email to the following address: info@starbudsluzern.com  or by clicking on the unsubscribe link present on the emails sent to Users by the Company.

7.4. Personal Data Processed in connection with the use of the Website or by emails

When you access, visit or browse the Website, the server automatically records details of your access and actions. This includes:

– the date and time of your visit;

– the browser you are using;

– your IP address;

– the place and time of your connection;

– the amount of data transmitted;

– the links you might follow;

– the web pages and content you visit; and

– the duration of such a consultation.

as well as any other similar information and statistics related to your interactions (scrolling, clicks, mouse movements) or the way you leave the Website.

When you visit the Website via a computer or cell phone, the Company will Process information from your computer or mobile phone, such as your operating system, type of device, browser used, dates and times of connection

When you visit the Website via a mobile phone, we automatically Process Personal Data relating to the type of device used, the operating system used and the identifier of your device.

These Personal Data are collected automatically in particular by Cookies (Performance and Tracking Cookies, Functional Cookies, Technical Cookies, Browser Cookies, etc.) and web tags. They are also collected and analysed by third party applications and tools, such as Google Analytics.

In particular, the Cookies we use enable us to Process the following Personal Data (the “Cookie Data“):

  • IP address ; 
  • browser;
  • browser version;
  • OS;
  • operating system version ;
  • device ;
  • screen resolution ;
  • referrer ;
  • referent type ;
  • input ;
  • input page ;
  • date and time of connection to the Website ;
  • browsing duration ;
  • place of consultation of the Website ;
  • time spent on the Website ;
  • page(s) consulted;
  • the language of the transaction;
  • language settings and preferences;
  • data relating to the pages consulted;
  • links you click on the Website; and
  • the available features or Products that you consult on the Website.

The Company will also record any information that you enter as part of your use of the Website.

You Consent that this Personal Data may be Processed by the Company for the purposes of (i) optimizing your User experience when you use the Website, (ii) tracking and analysing for statistical purposes the use of the Website to improve its functionality and ergonomics, and (iii) ensuring the security of the Website.

7.5. Personal Data Processed Through Electronic Communications Protocols

In addition to the items detailed above, the Company may Process information relating to your use of the Website through electronic communications protocols. The Company will receive from you information related to your connection, such as network routing information (where you are connecting from), information about your equipment (the browser you are using), and the time and day of your connection.

7.6. Contact with Customer care

As a User, you may contact Customer Care – by telephone, WhatsApp, email or chat – to obtain information about certain Products offered by the Company or for any questions relating to the Website.

When you contact Customer Care, you will be asked to provide Customer Care with information related to the Website:

  • your landline or cell phone number;
  • your order number; 
  • your e-mail address; and
  • your registration data. (the “Customer Care Data”)

7.7. Payment Data 

Users’ payments by Bank Transfer are processed by the payment provider by Cashier as the “Payment Provider“), under its sole responsibility.

Same goes with payment through Cryptocurrency.

The Company does not have access to the information provided in connection with the online payment of the Products.